Cultural Organizations
Dominican Republic Cultural Organizations
Association that brings together journalists, broadcasters, and commentators specialized in art critics in order to analyze and judge the work done by national and international artists.
Site added: Jul 06, 2006) :: Site Details
Organization that promotes the development of photographic culture within the artistic field and to value its production nationwide. With four years of experience, the school has managed to become a reference point for Dominican photography and a meeting place for photographers, students and artists who are increasingly interested in this field.
Site added: Dec 06, 2019) :: Site Details
Non-profit legal entity whose objective is the management, administration, representation, protection and defense of the interests and rights of audiovisual producers.
Site added: Dec 01, 2016) :: Site Details
Non-profit organization based in Santo Domingo dedicated to promoting the artistic and patrimonial values of the emblematic Dominican Culture through the teaching of music.
Site added: Feb 27, 2019) :: Site Details
Foundation whose objective is to systematize and generalize its teaching work, while helping to put into the hands of the communities and the nation the instruments of integral development that emanate from science and art.
Site added: Aug 13, 2011) :: Site Details
Organization whose aim is to promote education and social development through cultural processes.
Site added: Mar 07, 2012) :: Site Details
Multi-service institution in the cultural sector aimed at revaluing and disseminating the multiple manifestations of Dominican identity.
Site added: Oct 20, 2023) :: Site Details
Non-profit institution whose main purpose is the Happiness of all human beings without distinction, ensures that each member strives to develop their internal part and eliminate what has chained them to a life of suffering.
Site added: Apr 26, 2022) :: Site Details
Conciertos de la Villa de Santo Domingo will offer Baroque and Classical music at an exceptional artistic level in select historic locations within the Colonial City, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The performances will not only bring audience members into specific locales but also serve as an occasion for them to acquaint themselves with the rich history and cultural inheritance unique to this region.
Site added: Dec 26, 2012) :: Site Details
Non-profit organization established in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, dedicated to the study, research, dissemination and promotion of cultural and natural heritage, with special interest in architecture, urbanism, literature and conservation in the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Jan 27, 2011) :: Site Details
Nonprofit organization that develops projects aimed at the Dominican youth. Contributes to value the importance of music in the formation of children and youth, promoting their access to meaningful experiences, implementing educational and cultural programs aimed at creating music bands in schools, and providing support and assistance to municipal and military music bands.
Site added: Feb 18, 2015) :: Site Details
Non-governmental organization created in 1998 by a group of men and women convinced of the importance of preserving and projecting the values ​​contained in the work and life of former president Juan Bosch.
Site added: Nov 29, 2007) :: Site Details
International Festival of Poetry and Art where poets and artists come together in one voice in tribute to women and against violence.
Site added: Feb 21, 2016) :: Site Details
Non profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the Dominican young artisans.
Site added: Aug 27, 2011) :: Site Details
Private non-profit organization, created on the initiative of a group of music lovers with the purpose of collaborating with the consolidation and projection of the National Symphony Orchestra of the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Jul 25, 2009) :: Site Details
Organization dedicated to the research and dissemination of indigenous presence on the island of Quisqueya, its culture and what is left of it.
Site added: Jun 02, 2010) :: Site Details
International organization of philosophical, cultural and social character.
Site added: Apr 28, 2009) :: Site Details
Organization created with the objective of disseminating, spreading, promoting and publicizing Dominican art in general, and the cultural productions that make up the artistic and cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Mar 18, 2020) :: Site Details
Private non-profit organization whose purpose is to collect, manage and distribute royalties generated by the exploitation of musical works. Is the proactive and effective defense of copyright in the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Jul 25, 2009) :: Site Details
Non-profit association created on September 21, 2012 that seeks to stimulate through the culture of wine, friendship between men and women in good faith and customs in good food as well as study, disseminate and enjoy the culture of wine in all its cultural and artistic expressions but always in complete friendship and harmony.
Site added: May 09, 2018) :: Site Details