Civil Organizations on Facebook
Dominican Republic Civil Organizations on Facebook
The mission of the association consist in create, implement, and foster projects and initiatives which support the work of the United Nations, enhancing sustainable human development, the practice of values and democratic engagement, the respect of human rights, and the cultural prosperity of the Dominican people in the Dominican Republic and abroad, through collaboration with educational institutions, non –governmental organizations, the public and private sector and international organizations.
Site added: Sep 04, 2010) :: Site Details
Entity whose mission is to raise awareness to all the Dominicans on the rights, duties, principles, moral and ethical values ​​by supporting education, and Christian training that allows us to generate hope for a better country for present and future generations .
Site added: Jun 04, 2010) :: Site Details
Foundation whose mission is to promote the construction of a safe and peaceful society prioritizing actions to defend the life and citizenship through the reduction of violence and crime.
Site added: Jun 26, 2012) :: Site Details
Non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the historical memory and democracy of our country, which has cost so much blood. Strengthens the historical memory, builds on the feat that achieved the end of the tyranny of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina in the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Nov 04, 2020) :: Site Details
Organization that aims to sponsor, study, recommend, promote, perform or execute all sorts of plans, programs, projects and activities to help strengthen the democratic system through participation in public debate, with research, ideas and actions to give effect to the principles and values ​​of democracy and human rights.
Site added: Nov 03, 2011) :: Site Details
Nonprofit organization aimed at: Promoting, encouraging and implementing community development programs; Building activities to promote social leaders; Fostering a culture of participation and citizen inclusion in social processes, and promoting cultural activities.
Site added: Jan 22, 2015) :: Site Details