Tourism Agencies
Dominican Republic Tourism Agencies
Agency whose mission is to ensure that the state hotels offer a quality service, maintaining the minimum standards of comfort, efficiency and convenience.
Site added: Sep 10, 2011) :: Site Details
Entity whose objective is to design and manage the development of the land enabling the creation and implementation of a range of services and activities to meet the tourists needs.
Site added: Mar 20, 2011) :: Site Details
Strategy of the Dominican State to positively develop our image, positioning our own distinctive attributes of our identity. It helps, among other things, to improve our reputation and create jobs, as well as to give certainty and confidence to increase exports and foreign investment.
Site added: Nov 29, 2021) :: Site Details
Entity responsible for planning, scheduling, organizing, directing, promoting, coordinating and evaluating the activities of the tourism industry, in accordance with the objectives, goals and policies established by the Executive Power of the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Sep 10, 2011) :: Site Details