Dirección General de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia PROPEEP
Dirección General de Proyectos Estratégicos y Especiales de la Presidencia PROPEEP
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PROPEEP defines its Strategic Framework for the 2020-2024 management, in the interest of providing effective responses to the functions conferred by the decree that creates it and the demands and challenges that are established in the reality of the Dominican State, under the guidelines of the Ministry of the Presidency and aligned with the National Development Strategy and the government program. The General Directorate of Strategic and Special Projects of the Presidency of the Republic (PROPEEP) is created, through Decree 389-20, in order to promote the development of capacities and opportunities that allow reducing poverty and social exclusion with a focus on rights, comprehensive, systemic and with a territorial base, based on the generation of social co-responsibility and the promotion of coordinated and concentrated action by government entities. For these purposes, three plans are created: Dominicana Aprende Contigo, Dominicana Grows With You, Dominicana Digna.
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Nov 04, 2013
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