Dominican Government Commissions
Dominican Republic Regulatory Commission of Unfair Practices in Commerce and Safeguard Measures.
Site added: Dec 04, 2009) :: Site Details
Created by decree by President Leonel Fernández with the objective of internationally recognizing the Dominican Republic as one of the Latin-American countries with the biggest scientific and technological developments.
Site added: Jan 08, 2010) :: Site Details
Entity whose mission is to promote and protect competition in markets for goods and services.
Site added: Jun 19, 2012) :: Site Details
Government institution that operates as an integral part of the Ministry of Culture. Its main role is to act as a forum for state institutions and civil society, in addition to mobilizing the participation of individuals and organizations of the Dominican Republic in the sectors of Education, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Culture and Communication, and Information.
Site added: Aug 22, 2009) :: Site Details
Commission aimed at urging all countries, whether rich, poor or middle-income, to adopt measures to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that initiatives to end poverty must go hand in hand with strategies that promote economic growth and address a series of social needs, including education, health, social protection and employment opportunities, to while fighting against climate change and promoting environmental protection.
Site added: May 12, 2020) :: Site Details
Permanent Commission of the National Ephemeris. Entity dedicated to organizing the appropriate events and celebrations to commemorate the most glorious historical days that have occurred in the life of the Republic, as well as to exalt the most outstanding human values that have fought for the conservation and development of Dominican nationality.
Site added: Sep 03, 2019) :: Site Details
Administrative body created with the purpose of formulating, agreeing and promoting policies and strategies aimed at materializing the definitive solution to the lack of certification in the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Jan 05, 2019) :: Site Details
Agency created to contribute with the inhabitants and their organizations in the evaluation and prioritization of their economic and social needs, through the design and implementation of participatory procedures in a way that contributes to speed up the formulation and implementation of solutions to these needs by the Central Government.
Site added: Jul 19, 2017) :: Site Details
Instance of the Executive Branch created with the purpose of promoting provincial development, promoting social equity and therefore improve the conditions and quality of life of Dominicans.
Site added: Feb 26, 2018) :: Site Details