Dominican Republic Universities
Barna's vision is to transform thinking and modus operandi of Latin American entrepreneurship through the development of leaders and managers who are distinguished for their global vision, their commitment to change by their inclination towards productivity and technology, and especially for their commitment to the long term.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
Institution created to contribute to the educational development of the country by promoting its principles in the training of specialized technicians in different branches of information technology and human resources.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
University based in Puerto Plata, committed to delivering first class quality international education. All courses are designed, controlled and assessed in partnership with an international faculty based in London, United Kingdom. It's main mission is to apply information, communication and technology to learning that empowers individuals, institutions and international communities.
Site added: Sep 24, 2016) :: Site Details
Educational entity whose training offer is focused on business management and administration, allowing the student to choose between the face-to-face or the online modality. In addition, it offers master's degrees in Banking and Financial Consulting, Marketing, International Business, Financial Management, MBA, Digital Marketing, and Human Resources Management.
Site added: Apr 21, 2020) :: Site Details
Ministry of Foreign Affairs academic body, responsible for training, updating and specializing the personnel assigned to the Foreign Service of the Republic and the Foreign Ministry.
Site added: Apr 18, 2017) :: Site Details
Institution of higher education based in the Dominican Republic specializing in the training of psychologists, educators, counselors, and human resource managers.
Site added: Jul 16, 2014) :: Site Details
Department of higher education of Loyola Technical Institute.
Site added: Mar 13, 2013) :: Site Details
Higher education institution which develops through the consolidation of postgraduate professional training in social science and public and private management.
Site added: Dec 09, 2010) :: Site Details
Academic institution specialized in the training of professionals in the area of social sciences, humanities and related disciplines.
Site added: Mar 03, 2014) :: Site Details
Community college based in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, aimed at providing development opportunities, training competent, ethical and innovative professionals.
Site added: Nov 15, 2015) :: Site Details
Technical college specializing in technical and vocational training and English as a second language.
Site added: Nov 21, 2006) :: Site Details
Private university founded in 1972 by a group of young professionals committed to the Dominican society.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Campus of Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Site added: Aug 05, 2006) :: Site Details
Catholic institution of higher education that emphasizes academic excellence and it's open to all persons regardless of race, social class, ideology or religious beliefs.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Entity dedicated to the comprehensive training of researchers, professionals and technicians with a critical mindset, who promote the development of El Valle Region, spreading ideals of peace, progress, social justice, respecting human rights and adherence to ethics.
Site added: Apr 27, 2021) :: Site Details
Institution committed to contributing to regional development through an academic offering that meets the demands of youth and the development expectations of the region. It receives students from the provinces of Azua, San Juan and Elías Piña.
Site added: Aug 12, 2024) :: Site Details
Entity that seeks to provide superior quality and continuing education through a distance mode that ensures training of professionals and leaders capable of meeting the demands of today's society.
Site added: Jun 28, 2006) :: Site Details
Institution of higher education sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Dominican Republic; promotes academic excellence through programs of intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development.
Site added: Jul 08, 2006) :: Site Details
University committed to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic, through the training of technicians and professionals in the area of knowledge with emphasis on the promotion, protection and use of natural resources.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
Educational institution dedicated to the training of creative leaders and entrepreneurs for a global economy, through a comprehensive academic program with an emphasis on business, technology and services.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Institution that joins teachers, students and support academic work, for the purpose of fulfilling the university mission-oriented search for truth, the projection of the future of Dominican society and the strengthening of the real values.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Educational institution aimed at academic excellence, research, extension of culture, community service and technological development of the eastern region of the Dominican Republic.
Site added: Feb 10, 2010) :: Site Details
Catholic higher education institution whose main purpose is to contribute to the scientific, technological, sociocultural and spiritual development through the process of teaching and research within the framework of Christian ethical principles.
Site added: Jul 19, 2006) :: Site Details
Academic community which contributes to the protection and advancement of human dignity and cultural heritage through research, teaching and the services offered to the local, national and international communities.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Catholic institution which offers an academic program tailored to the needs and development of the Enriquillo region in the Dominican Republic, free from political and partisan ideology.
Site added: Sep 12, 2007) :: Site Details
Institution created to help the development of the Cibao region in the Dominican Republic offering opportunities on an equal footing to all who have the desire of knowing.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Educational institution aimed at training professionals in various disciplines related to the Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, Management and Economics, Engineering and Natural Resources, through relevant academic offerings that promote individual and collective development.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Institution dedicated to training graduates of excellence, dynamic and proactive, developing actions towards the creation, integration and dissemination of knowledge without borders, safeguarding equal opportunities for students.
Site added: May 23, 2023) :: Site Details
Higher education institution of constant innovation and a methodology that guide the process of adult learning. At UTE adults will find space and time to prove that any age is right to learn, to grow, to identify himself, and discover their potential, values ??and skills.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Institutionally recognized UNICARIBE university was created to democratize access to higher education aimed at users with specific needs and capacity for independent study, distance learning, through an innovative and creative model.
Site added: Jan 15, 2008) :: Site Details
Educational institution framed in the values of the Christian faith dedicated to the formation and training of the human capital demanded by the region and the country through a strategic alliance between the Ministry of Education, civil society and the business sector.
Site added: Jun 14, 2023) :: Site Details
O&M Dominican University is a center of higher learning founded on January 12, 1966 by a select group of professors and teachers led by Dr. Jose Rafael Abinader. Its essential mission is to be a University academic excellence that comes with all social classes, promoting learning and scientific research, raising the critical spirit of young people who come to their classrooms, and giving them the basic tools that allow them to excel and be useful to the Dominican in the role they play touch.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
UNICDA is the university of the Dominican-American Cultural Institute (ICDA). Offers study programs for technicians, undergraduate and graduate.
Site added: Apr 20, 2012) :: Site Details
Higher educational institution created within the legal guidelines and prevailing social norms in the Dominican Republic which is an exponent of the ideals upheld by the Dominican-Puerto Rican educator and essayist, Eugenio Maria de Hostos.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
Felix Adam Experimental University (UNEF) is part of the democratic principles of solidarity and national and international reciprocity. Assumes that education must be open and self-governing to form citizens able to meet the challenges of future generations.
Site added: Jul 19, 2006) :: Site Details
The learning experiences that promotes UFHEC, are aimed at developing in students and graduates the principles and values ​​that support its educational work: Responsibility, Solidarity, Tolerance, Justice, Service, Honesty, and Respect.
Site added: Oct 18, 2006) :: Site Details
Institution whose purpose is to promote academic excellence, research and training of highly qualified professionals, able to generate and lead changes, with ethical values ??needed to contribute to the development of the local and global society.
Site added: Sep 11, 2006) :: Site Details
Private university located in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, whose vision is to train highly competent professionals, who through scientific research and technological innovation can transform the reality of their surroundings for a more equitable world.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
Private college which offers different areas of knowledge at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
University sponsored by the College Evangelical Foundation. Alternative and global institution leader in science and technology, training professionals in the principles and values ??of the Kingdom of God.
Site added: Jul 31, 2009) :: Site Details
Educational entity aimed at the comprehensive and professional development, and continuous improvement of human resource as an active agent of change, suitable for forging the changes required by society and contribute to the success of work and business, within the canons of ethics, science and technology, through continuous effort of research, innovation and extension of knowledge.
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Higher educational institution aimed at training competent professionals through programs of education based on science, technology and innovation.
Site added: Jun 13, 2008) :: Site Details
Higher education institution whose purpose is to train professionals and technicians capable and qualified.
Site added: Sep 25, 2006) :: Site Details
Due to its regional status, UNISNORTE, in addition to offering quality teaching at popular prices, will lead the formation of public opinion, providing expert studies and community consensus, to prosecute projects in order to raise the socioeconomic level of the area, such as : Establishment of Industrial Zones, Free Zones of Technological Development, Integral road development of the municipality, Realization of alliances with national and international entities.
Site added: May 04, 2023) :: Site Details
The Universidad Tecnologica de Santiago (UTESA), emerges as a result of the interpretation of a group of professionals who visualized the need of a new school at a time when the country needed a qualified staff in technical and professional areas. In response to these needs, backed by the Foundation Board and its academic regulations, in November 12, 1974 began its formal work this educational institution, acquiring legal personality on April 19, 1976, through Executive Order No. 1944 .
Site added: Jun 27, 2006) :: Site Details
Non-profit institution created to contribute to the country's economic, social and cultural progress through higher education, research, and creation and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge.
Site added: Apr 18, 2017) :: Site Details
University located in Azua, Dominican Republic which offers undergraduate and graduate education, on-campus and part-time attendance conducted in a participatory environment where students actively construct their learning.
Site added: Jun 23, 2009) :: Site Details
Platform where you can find all the universities in the Dominican Republic as well as the careers, postgraduates and continuing education programs that they are offering.
Site added: Mar 04, 2021) :: Site Details
Catholic research university that represents the best innovative resources in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. It integrates print materials, digital resources, and modern teacher training to form a unique catalog of products and services that are designed to meet the needs of both teachers and learners.
Site added: Apr 21, 2022) :: Site Details