Cacao Farms
Cacao Farms in the Dominican Republic
Agro-industrial company dedicated to the organic production, processing and commercialization of Cocoa and its derivatives.
Site added: Jul 21, 2022) :: Site Details
Program launched in the Dominican Republic in 2015, which aims to create innovative farming models that will preserve the diversity and quality of cocoa production and improve the living conditions of producers while protecting the environment.
Site added: Nov 29, 2021) :: Site Details
Family owned business founded in 2015, located in the northern mountains of the Dominican Republic. It grows and harvest a variety of cacao hybrids managing the farm in a natural way. No use of pesticides and putting attention to a responsible use of the land.
Site added: Nov 29, 2021) :: Site Details
Cacao farm located in the heart of the Dominican Republic distinguished by the excellence of their genetic material and the extraordinary post-harvest treatment. Rizek Cacao is ideologically and pragmatically committed to the protection of the forests of the Dominican Republic and environmental balance as a whole.
Site added: Nov 29, 2021) :: Site Details
Leading provider of fine flavor cacao to domestic and international artisan chocolate makers. It provides the craft chocolate market with cacao varietals selected for their nuanced flavors and intense aromas, carefully tending to the development of these flavors through natural fermentation and drying cycles.
Site added: Nov 29, 2021) :: Site Details